
Wellbeing for all our students and their families is a key feature of our school. At Bayside we believe that strong student teacher relationships are crucial in promoting effective student engagement and learning. We also believe that there needs to be good communication between the home and school.

Each student in our college works with their wellbeing teacher examining issues related to personal wellbeing, goal setting, respectful relationships, conflict resolution, self management and building resilience along with a significant emphasis on careers counselling in the senior years. There are dedicated Wellbeing classes and events aimed at building the capacity of our students to deal with the complexities of life.

Wellbeing teachers take a special interest in their students. In the majority of instances they are the first point of contact for parents if they have a joy or concern to share with the college.

In addition to the formal wellbeing program, on-going support and informal wellbeing is readily available on each campus. All students and their families have access to a dedicated Student Wellbeing Coordinator and Year Level Coordinator who will support them as they develop in to responsible and well rounded adults. Visitors to the college often comment on the level of respect and warm interactions observed between staff and students.