- Community
- Booklists
- Canteen
- Child Safety Code of Conduct
- College Council
- Documents and Policies
- Tenders
- Uniform
Bayside P-12 College is here to serve our local community and we value the input of our parents and friends.
The college is very proud of the strong and ongoing relationships it has developed with our Melbourne based universities, the Hobson’s Bay Council, local industry groups and numerous sporting clubs who use our facilities.
All Bayside students from Prep to Year 12 will receive a copy of the Bayside P-12 College Parent Payment List and the Campion Booklist. Payment for the ‘Essential Education Items’ listed on the Bayside P-12 College Parent Payment List can be made at the campus office.
Campion Books is the official supplier of books to students at Bayside College. To view the current student booklist, or to place an order please click here: www.campion.com.au
To order please use the following code UR6U
Canteen menus for each campus can be found by clicking on the links below:
1. Altona North Campus 2017 Menus:
2. Williamstown Campus 2017 Menu
Child Safety Code of Conduct
Victorian government schools are child safe environments. Our schools actively promote the safety and wellbeing of all students, and all school staff are committed to protecting students from abuse or harm in the school environment, in accordance with their legal obligations including child safe standards.
All schools have a Child Safety Code of Conduct consistent with the Department’s exemplar available at http://www.education.vic.gov.au/about/programs/health/protect/Pages/childsafestandards.aspx
College Council
A new website is being developed for Bayside P-12 College and will be launched early 2019. All the new college council will be published on the new website.
Documents and Policies
Download attachments:
- Privacy Statement
- Privacy Collection Statement
- 2019 BYOD Year 7 Information
- 2019 BYOD Year 10 Information
- Parent Payment Policy 2019
Current Bayside P-12 College tender documents:
Download attachments: 2019_MFD_Tender_Document_Updated.docx
The College Council has endorsed a variety of uniform items which form the student Dress Code.
Council believes that the wearing of a clearly defined uniform and a high standard of personal grooming creates a sense of collective and individual pride in students’ identification with their school. In addition it provides a common standard of dress which is non-competitive and safe, and enhances the image of the college in the community.
Dobson’s Uniform Shop operates from the Paisley Senior Campus in Newport.
Opening hours :
- Tuesday 8.15am to 11.00am
- Wednesday 2.00pm to 5.00pm
- Thursday 2.00pm to 5.00pm
- 1st Saturday of each month 9.00am to 12noon (excluding holiday breaks)
Opening hours are extended for start of year to accommodate new enrolments
Dobsons Pty Ltd
29 Marconi Drive, Dandenong Vic 3175
T 03 8788 7500
E sales@dobsons.com.au
W www.dobsons.com.au