Bayside P – 12 College has been hosting international students for over 30 years. We have enrolled students from China, Vietnam, Italy, Philippines, Malaysia, France, USA, Brazil, Korea, Germany, Sweden, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Iran, Jordan and India. We also have a long-standing sister school relationship with Anjo-Higashi Senior High school in Japan and receive regular exchange students through a number of select programs from Europe, Asia and North America.
Studying in Victoria
Victorian government schools are a destination of choice for international students. Our schools provide international students with a high-quality education, excellent English language tuition, caring welfare support services, secure homestay, and pathways to higher education. To learn more about studying and living in Victoria as an international student, see: www.study.vic.gov.au
The International Student Program
The International Student Program at Bayside P-12 College is focused on a rigorous academic program. The school is open to students with high levels of academic achievement and ability in their home countries, with the aim to providing strong opportunities for further education upon successfully completing secondary school in Australia. Students at all year levels (from prep to 12) can apply for the program. Families interested in our Homestay Accommodation are available to students over 15 years of age.
Senior students can choose to participate in a wide selection of subjects (that are also offered to local students) to enable them to complete the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE). While at school, students will complete subjects designed through the Victorian Curriculum during years 7 to 10, then have an opportunity to complete their final two years of education through the VCE. Year 10 students are expected to complete 1 week of work experience in a workplace of their choice. While studying at Bayside P-12 College students will be supported with a strong academic and caring wellbeing programs.
International students are also overseen by a dedicated and experienced International Student Team who are directly employed by the school. The International Student Team supports and guides international students and ensures that they have a rewarding and enjoyable time at Bayside P-12 College
For students who enrol in the VCE, there are additional supports in place to help students choose a comprehensive range of subjects and better understanding the education system that they will be a part, including university or TAFE courses.
Underpinning the academic program is a network of support available to all international students. Students have access to a variety of resources including dedicated careers pathways staff, mental health staff, wellbeing teachers, classroom teachers, Year Level Co-ordinators, Principals and Assistant Principals as well as a dedicated International Student Team to provision their safety and wellbeing.
About our School
Bayside P-12 College is a well-established multi-campus school with modern educational facilities. Located only 8km from Melbourne’s city centre with ample transport connections, this multi-cultural co-educational school has operated a successful International Student Program for many years. Highly motivated and experienced teachers and support staff provide a strong academic and wellbeing curriculum with a school culture that strives to meet the individual needs of all students. Opportunities for students to achieve successful outcomes to progress into the tertiary sector are strongly encouraged. Students who are motivated can also participate in a range of extra-curricular programs.
How to Apply
Most international students must apply to the Department of Education in order to study in a Victorian government school. To learn about the application types and to apply, see: How to apply
Be sure to select ‘Bayside P-12 College’ as your top preference school during the online application process
Tuition Fee and Additional Costs
Please refer to DET International Division’s fee page regarding tuition fees to study at Bayside P-12 College: https://study.vic.gov.au/en/international-student-program/school-fees/
Studying in Australia may result in a number of costs outside of tuition fees. This includes:
- Homestay Fee: $360.00/week
- Additional School Uniforms: $150 – $300
- Textbooks: $50 – $200
- VCE VCAA Exam Fee: $250 – $450
- Excursions: $5-$60 per activity
- School Camp: $200 – $800
- Mobile Phone Prepaid Plan: $30.00/month
- Public Transport: $5.30/day
Fees can change without notice.
Homestay Accommodation
Bayside P-12 College has partnered with many friendly, local families to provide homestay accommodation for international students aged 15 years and up. All host families carry a child safety related check and have been vetted by the International Student Coordinator before having a student placed with them.
The current homestay rate for 2024 at Bayside P-12 College is $360.00/week. Students will receive:
- Single room for only their own use
- Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner (breakfast, lunch are self-served)
- Water, Electricity, Gas bills covered
- Wellbeing support from their host family
- An experience of living with an Australian based family
Bayside P-12 College is constantly looking for new homestay families in Williamstown, Newport, Spotswood, Altona, Altona North and surrounding suburbs to join our program. If you are interested in hosting a student at Bayside P-12 College, please contact Shelby Johnson at shelby.johnson@education.vic.gov.au.
Third Party Education Providers
Bayside P-12 College has partnered with the Victorian School of Languages (VSL) and Virtual School Victoria to deliver language subjects that are not available at the college. This includes VCE subjects such as Chinese First Language Unit 1 – 4 and Vietnamese First Language Unit 1 – 4.
The College is also part of the wider Hobsons Bay VET Cluster network. This gives students at the college access to a wide range of VET certificates which can be completed as part of their VCE program. International students participating in a VET program are not able to receive a formal certificate qualification upon completion of their VET but will receive credit towards their VCE including a study score (for VETs that are scored) which contributes towards their ATAR.
Contact our School
For more information about international students, please contact the below staff member.
International Student Coordinator (ISC): Shelby Johnson
Phone: 03 9392 8500
Email: shelby.johnson@education.vic.gov.au
School Email: bayside.p12@education.vic.gov.au
“My entire experience of Australia has been spectacular. Bayside has just been the icing on the cake. I have loved my time at Bayside and I can’t see myself being anywhere else”